"Could this be a sign?" — April 25, 2023
Signs and text can be placed on your island!
Invite/join notification when followed player logs on
Improvements to metallic materials and reflections
Improved water movement: dodges slow in water, water movement is faster
Bug Fixes
Games no longer break if a user quits the game during lobby phase
Fixed island loading issues when receiving unexpected NFT metadata
Drowning in shooter before countdown finishes properly respawns players
Teleporting avatar from drone works 100% of the time
Disable screen shake when firing bullets
Fixed UI visual bugs when hovering and unhovering editable objects
Players can no longer edit an object they are already editing
Build mode menu fixes
Web links recognized in game as invite links
No jump sound when observing playground game in drone mode and pressing spacebar
Visual improvements to Legendary Pistol NFTs
Last updated