Staking ISLAND grants a periodic ration of enhancing boosts and prize related perks.
Players will earn consumable items depending on how much ISLAND they have staked. The following items will be awarded on a recurring basis to players who have staked at least the minimum staking threshold given for each below.
The lower earning rate shown applies to the minimum staking threshold and interpolates (nonlinearly) to the higher earning rate at a value of 100k ISLAND staked. That is, staking more past the minimum staking threshold will earn consumables faster.
Bloom Boosts
Add a temporary bloom multiplier to your island, enticing players to visit for increased rewards. There are 3 types of bloom boost earned by staking ISLAND, each with their own characteristics, minimum staking threshold, and earning rate. These stack
Small Bloom Boost (1.2x blooms, 60 minutes)
Minimum Stake: 7.5k ISLAND
Earning Rate: 1 every 30 days -> 1 every 5 days
Medium Bloom Boost (1.5x blooms, 30 minutes)
Minimum Stake: 15k ISLAND
Earning Rate: 1 every 30 days -> 1 every 7 days
Large Bloom Boost (2x blooms, 15 minutes)
Minimum Stake: 30k ISLAND
Earning Rate: 1 every 30 days -> 1 every 10 days
Bloom Gacha Spins
A free chance at more items, rare NFTs, and ISLAND token.
Minimum Stake: 150 ISLAND
Earning Rate: 1 every 10 days -> 1 every 12 hours
Bloom Reward Passes
Unlock limited-edition skins for avatars, weapons, or anything else without spending blooms.
Minimum Stake: 1k ISLAND
Earning Rate: 1 every 60 days -> 1 every 15 days
Discoverability Boosts (coming soon!)
Temporarily elevate a player's content. They can be assigned to an island to enhance visibility on the map. They can be used to elevate the visibility of a player's quest on the web app and in-game. Finally, they can be utilized to ensure a player's marketplace creations enjoy enhanced visibility on the web app.
Last updated